Possibly the best way to make time fly

Get ready for neighborly chat, friendly support, and humorous conversations in the best group on the Midland CB Talk app

Who we are and why...

 We are a worldwide group that come together as often as our busy lives let us.

We aim to create a welcoming space where you can engage with others, share experiences, and have a good time. Get ready for insightful discussions, laughter, and a sense of community. Participate for a fun and enriching experience!

Group Creator

Mr420 Jantje

Web Creator


Top contributors of this week !

Thank you for everything you do for this group


Keeps the conversation going in the evenings no matter what the topic is

Disco Duck

Always a fun and interesting welcome to our new guests. He's got an awesome looking body but will not admit it when confronted .

Miss Rosie

Our guitar player and nightshift supervisor. Friendly and understanding if treated with respect.She also volunteer as community babysitter and therapist.


Interesting stories about dead bodies and blood leaking out the back of the white van

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to talk?

It is a delight when people join the conversation but it is certanly not a requirement. If you want to sit back and listen for a while thats fine. If you are learning the language and you just want to listen to our conversation thats also fine. Some of us just listen in and chime in whenever they want.

Is it OK to interrupt a conversation?

Yes. If you have a quick question feel free to ask and wait for a reply. The conversation will resume again. If your question may take a while, it might be better to wait for a good opportunity to change subject. Another option will be to invite someone to a different room to discuss the new topic.

Can I talk about anything I want?

Most of our regulars have the ability to discuss most topics without the discussion turning into an argument. Once in a while we might deem it necessary to end conversations if it starts getting out of hand.  Just remember, respect others even if they have a different opinion.

Can i come here anytime?

Yes, While many of us are here every day, some are here just whenever live gives them the opportunity. Some of us are morning birds while others thrive in the evenings. Stop by whenever and how often you wish. 

Make this place a little better...

Help us improving this site by suggesting what we should add or improve to make this website a great addition to the great channel we already have.

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